Re: Picoloop nanoloop clone
yoyz2k says:Great, I have sent the right VPK file You will have to wait a bit for update but I can give you support on actual feature.1) LPB, could you describe what is behind this word ? If you mean...
View ArticleRe: Picoloop nanoloop clone
Psynaptik says:Will this ever be available as a gameboy rom?
View ArticleRe: Picoloop nanoloop clone
Jalex says:" LPB, could you describe what is behind this word ? If you mean LPF, there is one which use ADSR in PBSynth, see poin "LPB - Long Play Bar, (See Renoise)
View ArticleRe: Picoloop nanoloop clone
yoyz2k says:@psynaptik : It won't be available on gb gba. Nanoloop is really the thing for gb/gba. If you'd like to sync them, I will try to bring usb midi in the near future for ps vita and psp.@Jalex...
View ArticleRe: Picoloop nanoloop clone
garvalf says:It should be possible to build it on OSX: picoloop is using rtaudio, which can manage all OS (so on OSX CoreAudio instead of Alsa). If you can modify the makefile it should do the job (I...
View ArticleRe: Picoloop nanoloop clone
yoyz2k says:For the moment I work on the lgpt sampler integration and audiality 2 port. This two synthengine are cpu friendly. Every one here know lgpt, I just cut and paste the sampler synthengine not...
View ArticleRe: Picoloop nanoloop clone
Sanju says:Great job you're doing here!! Yesterday I got to get it working on my pocketchip. I tried building myself, but I started getting some errors about cflags and libsdl (probably due to my null...
View ArticleRe: Picoloop nanoloop clone
garvalf says:I don't remember everything I did for building picoloop, and now my system is configured for this so it just work. You can post your errors and I'll try to help. I may also try to build an...
View ArticleRe: Picoloop nanoloop clone
Sanju says:It gives me this error when trying to compile. Does this mean something to you?:#error "SDL1.2 or SDL2.0 are mandatory, you should put -D__SDL12 or -D__SDL20__ in the CFLAGS"Thanks
View ArticleRe: Picoloop nanoloop clone
garvalf says:I assume you have read the readme, but anyway:- have you installed the required libraries?apt-get install libsdl* libasound2* libpthread* g++ make libjack-dev - have you run the correct...
View ArticleRe: Picoloop nanoloop clone
yoyz2k says:Hi Sanju and Garvalf The makefile of the pocketchip was outdated, because of the support of SDL2 and SDL1.2.I've update it for pocketchip, it may work better now.Launch the git pull I will...
View ArticleRe: Picoloop nanoloop clone
Sanju says:Yes! It's working for me now on PocketCHIP. Thanks!
View ArticleRe: Picoloop nanoloop clone
yoyz2k says:Cool You're welcome tagged picoloop-0.77b-pocketchipokI doublecheck the debian, fedora core 25 and sometime the psvita when i tag something, but most of the time it's only validated on...
View ArticleRe: Picoloop nanoloop clone
garvalf says:hey, I got a good idea.The keyboard on the pocketchip really suck, making it a bit tedious to use picoloop on it. So I've found you can connect an usb gamepad to it, and use it like on the...
View ArticleRe: Picoloop nanoloop clone
yoyz2k says:How does it sound on pocketchip ?I've heard a lot of bad thing on the raspi1/2 pwm sound output.Does the pocketchip sound weird or is it ok, like a real sound card ?I think, if I buy one I...
View ArticleRe: Picoloop nanoloop clone
garvalf says:I believe the jack output mustn't be much better than the one on raspberry pi. For me it sounds rather ok. I could try to record something to hear the comparison. I'll also try to plug a...
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