hey, I got a good idea.
The keyboard on the pocketchip really suck, making it a bit tedious to use picoloop on it. So I've found you can connect an usb gamepad to it, and use it like on the psp.
Just get a kind of "usb snes" on ebay (I got mine for under 3 €, like there: http://www.ebay.fr/itm/Super-Controller SwNyFWekeq)
Install qjoypad: https://github.com/panzi/qjoypad (on debian / ubuntu / mint / pocketchip just "sudo apt-get install qjoypad")
Copy my settings from there:
/.qjoypad3 and put the .qjoypad3 folder into your home directory ~/
(or redefine your own from the gui, if you're using an other gamepad like a ps3 one. It seems the gui doesn't work on pocketchip because there is not systray?)
You can also use it from your pc. I haven't tried it enough to choose if it's better than from the keyboard but it seems convenient. The buttons are like the PSP one, just on the pocketchip it's X instead of A and Y instead of B so you can use the same qjoypad settings everywhere.