Re: Picoloop nanoloop clone
yoyz2k says:I think this is a funny device.But the keyboard is really not my taste...I don't know a more powerfull device for this price and this feature...Unfortunately, it is not really the platform...
View ArticleRe: Picoloop nanoloop clone
garvalf says:I've tried an usb hub (non powered from ext PSU), and it works, I could plug my midi master keyboard and this snes gamepad (the latency when using midi in sunvox is quite high, I'd say at...
View ArticleRe: Picoloop nanoloop clone
yoyz2k says:It become more and more interesting Thank you Garvalf
View ArticleRe: Picoloop nanoloop clone
yoyz2k says:Hey !!!I'm on hollyday and your message come right to my heart Jalex For me it's a : "I like your soft".This last month, my spare time was spent on arduino, stm32, and usb, i'd like to...
View ArticleRe: Picoloop nanoloop clone
garvalf says:do you know if adding a wav export for the 4 different tracks at once would be easily doable?
View ArticleRe: Picoloop nanoloop clone
yoyz2k says:Hi garvalf Yes, it is doable, really Like all feature, I take times to do, but really this one is doable.I have not done it already for some reason, I will explain first the workflow of the...
View ArticleRe: Picoloop nanoloop clone
garvalf says:oh, it's quite too much work. Don't bother with this if you believe it's not that useful.
View ArticleRe: Picoloop nanoloop clone
yoyz2k says:Hmm, it's quite usefull IMHO, so yes But I can not promise anything.For me developping this software is like a giant puzzle, you need to put the right piece at the right time and I need to...
View ArticleRe: Picoloop nanoloop clone
Jalex says:Awesome!!! Waiting new version with p-locks!!!Good luck!!
View ArticleRe: Picoloop nanoloop clone
mk says:I'm pretty determined to get this to build on osx.. any tips on which flags to try?
View ArticleRe: Picoloop nanoloop clone
mk says:Specifically for the pattern player make file, the other two are easy to figure out
View ArticleRe: Picoloop nanoloop clone
garvalf says:for osx you'll probably have to change the makefile because OSX is using CoreAudio instead of Alsa. But since Picoloop is using rtaudio which support several backends and OS, it should be...
View ArticleRe: Picoloop nanoloop clone
yoyz2k says:Yes !Like Garvalf say, the simpliest way to do the first build is using Makefile.PatternPlayer_raspi1_RtAudioIt will compile lots of .o file and RtAudio, then link all .o file to a big...
View ArticleRe: Picoloop nanoloop clone
mk says:OK. I'll give it a try. I shouldn't try getting the SDL2 version to compile, but stick to SDL1 ?
View ArticleRe: Picoloop nanoloop clone
mk says:Here's what I used and what I got: 35fa5a986e
View ArticleRe: Picoloop nanoloop clone
yoyz2k says:Hmm, ok, so it use clang instead of gnu gcc.I will install it and try to debug the compilation from my debian laptop, thanks !I have now access to a mac osx I will dig this.
View ArticleRe: Picoloop nanoloop clone
yoyz2k says:I've made a binary with clang on linux.I had the same compiler error, so it's a clang issue here AND a code which was written with a not too restrictive compiler ( which is cool but not too...
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