Re: Picoloop nanoloop clone
cyberic says:yoyz2k wrote:Version 0.69 : midi sync in and out great! is there a manual?
View ArticleRe: Picoloop nanoloop clone
yoyz2k says:Hi cyberic,there is a manual, it is the readme file.And here is a windows build, with the manual included : of tricks are not...
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nordloef says:yoyz2k wrote:Version 0.69 : midi sync in and out Sorry this one is not chiptune related... But the sequencer is nice!
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yoyz2k says:Add the 0.72 version : - add a midi delta option in the [BPM] menu to move the sync signal in time, it is a kind of "midi delay" but doesn't work exactly the same way, so on windows you...
View ArticleRe: Picoloop nanoloop clone
garvalf says:hello,thank you for the new version.I've compiled it on the pocketchip, it worked but this (arm, like raspberry pi) tiny device has a resolution of 480x272, which is quite small...
View ArticleRe: Picoloop nanoloop clone
yoyz2k says:What you are seeking is SCREENMULT which is define by platform as '1' or '2' in Master.h.If define at 1, it will be : 320x240 if define at 2, it will be : 640x480You may use the 'raspi1'...
View ArticleRe: Picoloop nanoloop clone
yoyz2k says:@garvalf : giti pull the "master" I've add a "pocketchip" makefile for RtMidi, RtAudio, and PatternPlayer.It is in 320x240, tell me if it works for you Johann
View ArticleRe: Picoloop nanoloop clone
garvalf says:that's very kind of you. It should compile. I'll try this and i tell you. Since the pocketchip has similar power to a pi2, it should be ok.(and be assured I'll post a picture)
View ArticleRe: Picoloop nanoloop clone
garvalf says:It works well!I haven't tried all the sound engines, but so far the sound was clean.What I had forgotten is there is only a right control key, so I couldn't start picoloop. Instead of...
View ArticleRe: Picoloop nanoloop clone
yoyz2k says:Whaoo, look great You say the sound is clean, is it as clean as a psp, dingoo ?What I mean, do you feel the dac is ok and it is possible to record stuff. Because today, it seem to be the...
View ArticleRe: Picoloop nanoloop clone
garvalf says:I've create the topic (with binaries for pocketchip) there: tchip/9131A few remarks:- I've increased the window size so it will fill the screen....
View ArticleRe: Picoloop nanoloop clone
yoyz2k says:Super retour, j'aime ça - The font stuff could be improved, I will look at this. The screen seem to be the same size as psp, so the two can benefit from a lift.- for the "mac" menu which is...
View ArticleRe: Picoloop nanoloop clone
yoyz2k says:Hi, I have merge your pull request, and : - Update a bit the README ;- added a simple palette management to be able to choose between 2 kind of color scheme to fix the tiny font on...
View ArticleRe: Picoloop nanoloop clone
garvalf says:Thank you, for the colors it's much better this way. I've made a new binary for pocketchip, I'll post it probably tomorrow.
View ArticleRe: Picoloop nanoloop clone
yoyz2k says:Lastest version 0.74 for psp and windows only.Mostly bugfix : - new colorscheme for better visibility- handle a crash which occur on the last builded version, garvalf seem to have a...
View ArticleRe: Picoloop nanoloop clone
garvalf says:for the build I'll probably wait the crash problem to be fixed. I'll send you more debug data. It doesn't crash for you (in the order list)?
View ArticleRe: Picoloop nanoloop clone
garvalf says:I've begun to make a little cheatsheet for picoloop, you can get the first version there: (desktop PC...
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