Add the 0.72 version :
- add a midi delta option in the [BPM] menu to move the sync signal in time, it is a kind of "midi delay" but doesn't work exactly the same way, so on windows you should be able to b master and slave midi sync without issue. Was not a problem on Linux, but windows midi is a different world ;
- add a 'osc scale' which allow to change oscillator one or oscillator two pitch to make basic chord with two note, implemented on most of the synth engine
- rework a bit BPSynth on opendingoo to allow to remove some bad FixedPoint behaviour, now it sound better
- fix first buffer audio generation of pbsynth which lead to an audio glitch on windows platform
The download link contain a psp, opendingux and windows binary. For linux you should build it yourself, it is not too complicated if you are using linux