It could take me one or two hours our to fix this L/S display issue. I should take time to solve it
And unfortunately, there is a bug on the PSP version with the steplenght of a pattern, for an unknow reason it seem to be blocked at 16 step and 32 step ?? So you can switch between 16 and 32 step for now, but not more... I have to dig it. It should be simple, but I don't know why it is on the PSP build.
And Yes I have received my analog four.
it is a real beeaaast.
The sound is really great, and the parameter lock are really a must. When you have work with it, you can not go back. On the sound side, you can not think there is only four voice, because the reverb and delay helps a lot on this side. It give me lots of idea for picoloop.
I need the Rythm now
The funny thing about the parameter lock is : nanoloop, lsdj and most tracker have this feature.
Lot of expensive sequencer don't have it.
Really funny, because lots of users like it.